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Home Yun Tien Chu
Yun Tien Chu
Yun Tien Chu

Yun Tien Chu is a Taiwanese documentarist and video artist. Currently lives and works in Belgium. She studied film history at University Paris 1 then documentary directing at RITCS. She started working with film director Tsai Ming-liang and was inspired by his personalised artistic attitude. She has been working on the production of films and TV series in Taiwan and Europe. Since 2012, she gradually turned to her own creative visual work.
Through her work, she reflects on migration, uprootedness, loneliness and isolation, and the stages of settling in a new country. Her own experience serves as a starting point and allows her to meet people with similar experiences. Her last video installation ‘My home is on the other side’ (2016) has been shown in Argos centre for audiovisual arts (Belgium), International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (German), Action Field Kodra Festival (Greece) and Treasure Hill Artist Village (Taiwan).

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